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Back to school

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Tips to prepare for back to school!

The first day of school can be difficult for children of all ages. Children entering school for the first time are often anxious, but even children who are already at school can be upset or concerned on the first day of a new academic year. The prospect of ‘back to school’ let’s be honest, can sometimes be just as daunting for the parents too! So, to help you and your family to prepare for this major event, the professional domestic cleaners, MOLLY MAID, share a few tips on how to prepare for going back to school.

  • Health check

School and germs go hand in hand, so it’s best to be organised and ensure that your children’s yearly check-up is done before they are back to school.  Book in any required vaccinations and ask your paediatrician the best ways your child can stay healthy throughout the school year. Remember dentist and optician appointments too.

  • Wean off TV and video games

For many children nowadays, summer can be filled with endless video games and TV programmes. To avoid children going into shock when they go back to school, ease your children into books, mind games and quiet play by turning off the TV and electronics.

  • Instil routine

We all know how children prefer to have a routine and tend to perform better if they do – likewise, the parents also find it helpful as it provides structure. So, to avoid stressful mornings, start getting into a regular bedtime and morning routine. Help children by practising getting back into the rhythm of their daily school routine by waking them up at the same time every day and eating around the same time they would at school. It’s a good idea to begin introducing the new routine a week before children are back to school as it will give them an idea of what is expected of them.

  • School supplies and uniform

Children tend to be excited about buying new stationery so why not shop together in preparation for the new school year and use it as a chance to say how proud you are of them. Allow them to pick their own lunchbox, backpack and other supplies.  Buying and trying on uniform can be an arduous task which tends to bore children, but make it fun by combining it with going for a snack, lunch or even cinema trip. Then have fun with naming the uniform – all the fun of back to school!

  • After-school timetable

Sit down with your child and draw up a timetable of extra-curricular activities, whether at school, or otherwise and work out how this will fit in with the rest of the family. By doing this together, children will begin to understand your work commitments and how their activities impact the rest of the family as well as helping them to remember what they are supposed to be doing.

  • Prepare for homework

This can fill both child and parent with horror, so instead of sweeping the matter under the carpet, be organised and as part of your back to school plan, discuss with your children when and where homework will take place each day. Do make sure it is when you are readily available should they require help and explain the rules from the outset. This way, you and your child will be much calmer when tackling homework and is part of structure of daily life. Later on in life, they will thank you for helping them understand the importance of learning.

  • Review school information

It’s time to sort through the pile of information that school sent at the end of term including information on the new teachers, important dates for the calendar, health forms and any other school related administration to ensure you start the school year as organised as you can be.

  • Prepare for the inevitable

All children fall sick and working parents know all too well how difficult it is to find someone to look after your children when this happens. As part of your back to school planning, try and agree with any local family members who might be free and able to look after them, or find someone to be on ‘stand by’ to look after your children when you receive that dreaded phone call from the nurse.

By being organised ahead of back to school, you will not only help your children to have a smooth transition in the school year, but you too can feel in control and prepared for the term ahead!

Good Luck!