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Top tips for boosting energy levels

If you feel that you have lost your get-up-and-go and want to boost your energy levels, the simplest of lifestyle tweaks involving food and drink could help you to combat fatigue. MOLLY MAID, the professional house cleaning experts, suggest that you try the following to help you on your way:


Eat more Iron: Your body needs iron to produce red blood cells, which carry oxygen around your system. Without this you will feel really lethargic, no matter how much sleep you get. A simple solution is to eat plenty of green vegetables, such as broccoli and spinach along with mushrooms which have also been found to be beneficial.

Add Yoghurt: Yoghurt contains many goodies from being high in calcium and probiotics. Probiotics are the good bacteria found in yogurt which can help to facilitate changes in the microflora of the gut and enhance the body’s immune system. Probiotics help to keep your gut healthy, assisting in digestion, which in turn leads to you getting the most of the food you consume and helping to fight fatigue.

So try adding natural yogurt to your breakfast, favourite salad or on top of the next curry!

Eat more salmon: Salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which have been found to help lower cholesterol, potentially reducing your risk of heart disease. Not only is it great for the heart, salmon is high in protein, vitamin B6, niacin and riboflavin, which all help to convert food into energy. So, whether it’s sushi or grilled salmon, give your body the boost it needs.

Drink up: Good hydration is key to maximising and boosting energy levels. If you don’t drink enough non-caffeinated fluid, it too can make you feel very lethargic, so aim to drink at least eight glass or around two litres of a range of different fluids a day. Naturally, water is best, but if you are not a fan, you can replace a few glasses of water with herbal tea or fat-free milk.


Reach for caffeine: Coffee or other high caffeine drinks may give you a short burst of energy, but in the long run, it will make you feel more tired than before, so try to avoid drinking coffee. If you find this hard, try switching to decaffeinated coffee or tea for example.

Indulge in sugar: Sugary foods with a high glycaemic index (GI) raise your blood sugar quickly, so you might feel a short-lived energy boost similar to caffeine, but you may also then experience a ‘low’ fairly quickly. Why not switch to eating nuts or certain fruits low in sugar such as cherries, grapefruits, apples and pears to keep your blood sugar levels more balanced?