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5 Ways to Get Excited About Cleaning

Spring cleaning is a big task, but the professional house cleaners at MOLLY MAID know there are strategies that can help to motivate you to get the job done.

  • Plan a special dinner party.  Inviting someone over can be a great motivator to get things clean -especially since it gives you a hard deadline. Also, when you start looking around through the eyes of guests you start to see the dirt more clearly.
  • Change is always good. Rearranging a room is a great way to create a fresh perspective and find motivation to clean and to organise. Change window coverings, buy a new rug, move pictures around. At the same time, seeing the great looking results can result in cleanliness spilling over into other rooms of your home.
  • Try a new cleaning product or method. Instead of looking at a chore as work, bring a new product or gadget to the table. A new cleaning mop or cleaning product with a natural aroma makes thing fresh and fun.
  • Buy a new piece of furniture. Finding a special piece of furniture for the living room or even your bedroom is great motivation to clean the room before you bring it home.
  • Clear out clutter.  Find a cupboard or room to clear out of clutter. Put items into storage, take them to a recycling depot, or throw them out if there is no further use. The feeling of getting rid of unwanted items is invigorating. And you have a clean cupboard or room!