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Clean Up After April Fool’s Day

Love April Fool’s Day pranks but hate the clean-up?  Not to worry, say the cleaning experts at MOLLY MAID who share a few tricks of their own here to help you tackle two particularly icky stains.

Vaseline – Spreading Vaseline on a door knob can get a few good laughs, but then someone goes and wipes their hands on their shirt. It’s best to pre-treat the stain before you wash it. Here’s how:

  1. Remove as much of the Vaseline as possible without spreading the stain.
  2. Gently dab a small amount of liquid dish soap onto the stained area, and let it sit for five minutes.
  3. Rinse thoroughly to flush out the soap and any remaining Vaseline.
  4. Apply your usual stain removal spray, then toss the shirt into the washer with a regular load of laundry.

Urine – Some people still pull the ‘hand in a warm cup of water’ prank… yikes! While most people think urine is a stain that can’t be removed, MOLLY MAID actually has a tried-and-true cleaning method that you can use to remove both the odour and stain from a mattress (if you have young kids)or carpets (if you’ve got pets).

  1. Mix one part white vinegar and two parts liquid dish soap.
  2. Generously apply mixture to the stain with a clean, dry microfibre cloth and let sit for 30 minutes.
  3. Take a clean, wet microfibre cloth and pull up as much of the soap mixture as you can.
  4. Sprinkle the wet area with baking soda and leave for several hours (or overnight if possible), then vacuum the remainder of the baking soda.