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Getting Rid of Rubbish Bin Germs – Another Great Green Cleaning Tip from MOLLY MAID

Many homeowners rely on a cleaning company. But there are lots of ways to keep your home clean and fresh between visits.

Keeping the rubbish bin and compost bin germ-free is one of those chores you need to consider. It’s one thing to take the rubbish or compost out to get rid of smells, but the bin itself needs to be disinfected regularly because bacteria and germs are likely lurking!

MOLLY MAID recommends wiping down your rubbish and compost bins with a natural disinfectant, like surgical spirit (available from your local pharmacy).

How to do it:

  1. Pour some surgical spirit onto a micro fibrecloth
  2. Wipe down your rubbish and compost bin – inside and out.

Do this at least once a week to help get rid of germs and to control the smells that rubbish bins and compost can sometimes leave behind.

Keep an eye out for more great cleaning tips to help stop the spread of germs in your kitchen.