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Top tips on clearing out the loft

Is your loft becoming a dumping ground for everything that hasn’t been designated a proper home over the course of the year? Before you start your Autumn deep clean and the children go back to school, MOLLY MAID, the professional domestic cleaners recommend following some of the below top tips on clearing out and re-organising your loft in time.

  • Realistic goal: The first thing you need to do is to set a realistic goal for when you want to have your loft organised. It’s unlikely to be a one-day project, so you may need to break it up into several sessions over a month.
  • Inventory: With a notebook and pen in hand, begin by going through the items recording what you find. Do box labels match their contents of their boxes? If they don’t, look at what’s there and re-label the box. As you compile your list, you’ll begin to see some natural categories developing: out-of-season clothes, Christmas decorations, family memorabilia and the list goes on.
  • Planning: With your categories now in place, start restacking boxes in categories. Once this has been done, you can then start to clear out boxes within those categories.
  • Sorting: When sorting the contents in each category, be ruthless and have three piles – keep; maybe; rubbish. Come back to the ‘maybe’ pile last and be hard on yourself. Do you really need to keep these items?
  • Re-organising: Ensure that you have plenty of clean plastic boxes or canvas zippable totes in which to store your items. Pack them up tidily and label them clearly.
  • Shelving: The key to an organised and tidy loft is to create different areas which can be clearly marked or seen with the use of additional shelving or cupboards. After all you spent a while stacking items into different categories, so why not make your life easier by keeping them in these designated areas for the next time you have a clear out of your loft?
  • New rules: To avoid the rest of the family going back to the usual dumping things in the loft, ask them to ask you to put things away in the loft so that you can store them in an orderly fashion and help to keep on top of the area.

 Good luck with these top tips on clearing out the loft, which should leave you feeling very fulfilled and organised!