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Autumn Spring Clean

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Top tips on Autumn Spring Clean

Autumn Spring Clean is the new Spring Clean and some say, that it’s a better time to give your home a thorough clean. There couldn’t be a better time to tackle chores now that children are back at school and nights are drawing in enticing us to spend more time indoors. At MOLLY MAID, the professional domestic cleaning company, we recommend doing both an Autumn Spring Clean as well as a traditional Spring Clean if you have the time, as we live by the mantra of staying on top of housework. Here are a few top tips to get you started on your Autumn Spring Clean.

Thorough Dusting – If you haven’t noticed, the spiders are hard at work at this time of year and particularly like older homes. Getting rid of spider’s webs isn’t too tricky. Ensure you remove them with an extendable long-armed duster or use an appropriate vacuum attachment and be careful when attacking corners of ceilings where you’ll often find them.

Sweeping – We know that it can be a wet and blustery season so make sure that you do plenty of sweeping as part of your Autumn Spring Clean to avoid mucky floors and dirty carpets. It’s that time of year to invest in a good door mat to banish leaves and dirt from being traipsed into the house unnecessary. Also, the ‘shoes off at the back door’ rule must be reinstated if it lapsed during the summer months!.

Mould – This can be a big problem, especially on window and door frames resulting from condensation. Wipe all window sills and clean windows inside and out to prevent mould growth. Using tea tree essential oil (mix 10 drops into a cup of water) wipe off the mould with a sponge. The tea tree is anti-fungal so, it should go some way to preventing the mould returning with such force and smell fresh at the same time.

Sofas and cushions – These have no doubt taken a battering over the summer months, so vacuum your upholstery gently and consider removing the cushion covers for a wash (if they can be) to give them a fresh look and smell as you’ll be spending much more time on them in the winter months.

Beds – It’s important to air your mattress regularly and to turn your mattress (check the instructions on your mattress) particularly after the warmer months. Try vacuuming your mattress too. It’s important to assign some space to wash duvets and pillows to ensure that dust mites are not making them their home. It’s an ideal time to swop over duvets to change to a winter tog duvet too.

Summer de-clutter: We all know how summer sports can take over your home what with tennis rackets, balls, other garden games and summer garden paraphernalia. Preparations for Christmas are just around the corner, so decluttering should play a large part of your Autumn Spring Clean. Sort through toys, sports shoes, equipment and give away anything that has been outgrown and store the rest for next summer. You’ll feel like you have so much more space in the home.