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Spring Cleaning: Beating bacteria in the home!

Part One: Tips on how to overcome the most common offenders of germs in the kitchen and bathroom.

Germs can be passed from person to person or indirectly by touching unclean equipment or surfaces. MOLLY MAID, the house cleaning experts, believe that hygienic cleaning will help prevent germs spreading in the home.

Hygienic cleaning involves focusing your efforts on areas in the house where germs are more likely to spread and cause infection. The most high traffic areas tend to be the worst offenders, such as the kitchen and the bathroom say MOLLY MAID, the house cleaning experts.

Good hygiene should not just be minimised to our once a week cleaning routine, but as part of our daily lives.

Use either soap and hot water (rinsing the germs away) or a disinfectant to kill the germs. Thoroughly dry surfaces after cleaning. Dampness helps any remaining germs to survive and, if there’s enough water, multiply.

Below are some Spring Cleaning tips on beating bacteria in the home:

Cloths and sponges – These must be clean and germ free to prevent germs from spreading from surface to surface. It is a good idea to use microfibre cloths that can be washed in the washing machine and that dry quickly. Dampness encourages the growth of bacteria – and very quickly!

Mops and buckets – If you use buckets for mopping, consider using two buckets (one for the detergent and one for rinsing). Nowadays, you can also find very handy microfibre type mops where you simply detach the cloth to rinse under the tap and then reuse. The cloth can then be placed in the washing machine after use rinsing away all those nasty bacteria and germs.

Toilets – Keep the U-bend and bowl clean by flushing after each use and use a toilet cleaner and brush every few days. Keep the seat, handle and rim clean by using a disinfectant and make sure not to use the same cloth to clean other areas of the bathroom to prevent spreading bacteria.

Baths, showers and sinks – MOLLY MAID recommend hygienically cleaning baths, showers and sinks frequently with a disinfectant and take the opportunity to give them a wipe down in between your weekly clean. It will help to keep on top of unwanted bacteria in the home. If a shower hasn’t been used for a long period, let it run with hot water before using it. It may be necessary to use a descaling product, or lemon juice, to regularly remove limescale, which can harbour bacteria but can also be unsightly.

Tiles and shower curtains – Wipe down tiles and the grouting on a regular basis and remember to launder the shower curtain as this is one of the worst offenders when it comes to germs.

Kitchen – Ensure food preparation surfaces are hygienically clean wiping down immediately after every use. Make sure you use separate chopping boards for meat (including fish and poultry) and vegetables.

After handling high-risk foods, such as fish, raw meat and poultry, ensure you wash and dry your hands before touching any other surface, handle or even the salt and pepper mills to prevent spreading more bacteria in unexpected places.

Washing-up brushes – Wash brushes in a dishwasher regularly or clean with detergent and warm water after each use squeezing as much water out as possible.

Floors – Clean floors regularly to remove visible dirt with warm water and detergent. If they have been soiled with vomit, urine or faeces, the floor should be cleaned using a disposable cloth and warm water, then disinfected. Make sure the floor is dry before allowing children on it.

Rubbish Bins – Foot-operated bins are better for hygiene because they reduce the risk of hands picking up germs when they touch the bin lid, but you always need to wash your hands after handling rubbish and remember to disinfect the bin in your cleaning routine and then use a fresh cloth before moving on to clean the next thing on your list!

Good Luck and for more Spring Cleaning tips on beating bacteria in the home and the garden, visit the MOLLLY MAID blog on Friday.